<<Keyboard support only at this point>>

Run left/right with LEFT/RIGHT-key, or AD, or numpad 4,6
Jump with UP-key, or W, or Space, or numpad 8
Roll by running and holding DOWN-key, or S, or numpad 5 
Also possible when you land from a jump.

Tips: Doing a roll by landing from air gives bonus speed while the roll is ongoing. This can be used to jump further if you jump while the roll is active.
Running and then rolling->Jumping will make a small jump.

I made the name of the maps visible, so if you find something too hard or unfair, hook me up with the name of the map and i'll look into tweaking it!

Using the same seed will always give the same map. (unless i add new maps which most certainly is the case at this point in time.)

My Goals with the game as of now(this may be updated):
-Adding UI to support playing on phones.
-Making the Timed mode available to play.
-Adding enemies you have to jump on to kill, thus making you automatically jump forward aswell. - completed. Currently BAT WITH HATS. 
-Adding breakable walls/doors/planks you can break with rolling.
-With the two points above I can make way more variety to maps.
-Connecting the game to a firebase to keep weekly scores and player accounts

Feedback received from players so far

  • Add coyote jump - completed
  • different jump heights depending on if you hold jump-key or not - completed. Although not in the normal sence. Jumping normally will always give same height but if you roll->jump you will jump less. which is important to do in some areas.

If you do play, feel free to put down your seed and record and also all kinds of feedback. Is it too easy, too hard, something doesnt make any sence, why did I do this or that or even have suggestions on what to add/change/remove to make the game better. Im solo developing the game and i use free assets from itch.io.


No further development planned. But I made it public if someone wants to play. Maybe even be inspired to make your own game.

A different version is available here!! 


Password: gaterunner



Updated 17 days ago
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags2D, Endless Runner, Pixel Art, Prototype, Speedrun

Development log


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(1 edit)

it gets pretty buggy, at least for me, i restart the level(tab) and i can't move, jump or see the controls, but apart from that, pretty good!!

Thanks for playing!! Can you be more specific on how i can reproduce the bug you found? I restarted my lvls 500 times by now and i havent seen this bug.


I literally restart the level and i can't move but now it doesn't happen anymore, so... No idea

Really well made! A couple things that would make this a ton better is refining the controller. It feels a bit too fast/too responsive but at the same time like I have too little control over the player. Keep up the good work!

I'll check it out when you add 360 control. I'm looking forward to playing.

Nice game! I like the fact that it's made of "modules" which assemble together in a random fashion depending on the seed. The control feels nice and is quite addictive too. 

I was wondering whether the jump key should be 'up' or maybe another key. Maybe in the keyboard is no big deal, but in the case the player's using a controller, binding the jump key to one of the action buttons might work better. In my case I love using the numeric keypad instead of the arrow keys for some strange reason, but it wasn't supported here.

I wonder whether it was intended, but the player loses air control upon hitting a wall or disengaging from a wall jump (i.e. sliding down the wall, once you're off it you won't be able to move either left or right mid-air, as would otherwise be possible for example after jumping off a ledge). This makes dealing with some sections trickier as you must carefully avoid hitting a wall if you don't want to fall straight down into the lava after that.

There's a pit I feel into that didn't kill me; the character went off-screen and I had to refresh the page to restart.

I didn't find any parts where the 'slide' mechanic (pressing 'down' before landing) was actually useful - I died most times I used it. It's a cool idea though; I was thinking there could be low corridors that require rolling to get through. Maybe this rolling could also be activated from a standstill by pressing the right keys.

I was thinking there could be alternate kinds of jump, just like in the game 'Hurdler' by KNPMASTER and MasterRaichu - long jump, short jump, and so on (maybe with different jump keys assigned?)

Overall, awesome game with great potential! Will make sure to keep tabs on this one.


Thanks for the great post! I'll try answer all sections!

The chosen keys to move around is temporary. I would want to give the option to rebind keys to the player. Even play with  a controller at some point.

The fall from sliding a wall is something that just is right now(not intended). Im not sure what to do about it really. Jumping from a wall is intended that the player loose control. But it doesnt work the way i want it to yet. What i dont want is for the player to walljump back to the same wall and grab the wall on higher point than previous walljump.

the pit you fell into is just a few tiles i forgot to place down. its fixed already.

Right now the slide is just a time saver really. Since your final score is reduced by 10% of the time spent on the run. But im doing some changes to the slide and changing some maps so its actually useful in more ways. But right now its only useful to save time, since more time = less final score. Maybe instead of a roll its just a dash that can be used mid-air. idk yet.

I also want to have different jump heights, just havent figured out  a good way of doing it yet. It might be very easy lol but ye. Its coming. Holding jump will take you to a max height, but releasing the jump before the max will make you go down again.

Thanks for the post and for testing the game! <3 

Lol this is very cool. Will continue to check on the progress of this one. Thanks for crediting the little character.


Cheers and thank you! Without you this prototype would be much harder to make. You help the community!

Neat concept, and a kinda neat character


thanks! I appreciate the comment !